Vocabulary Quilt Name: Date: As you read, write new words in the squares. Write the meanings of the words, too. If you cant figure out the meaning of a. A Glossary of Quilting Terms and Quilt Definitions Patchwork an older term, still used in England, for piecing quilt squares together to make blocks. 8 Readingvocabulary development. Materials: The Patchwork Quilt by Flournoy, Valerie (1952) Board, markers, colored paper, crayons, scissors. A cardboard, cut in a basic quilt pattern (at least 10 detachable squares). Quizlet provides 3rd grade reading the patchwork quilt activities, flashcards and games. The Quilt Story Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading Vocabulary blankets pretended quilt stuffing trunks unpacked wrapped stitch hatchet patchwork. A quilt is a thick cover for a bed, made from pieces of fabric that are stitched together and filled with padding. Quilt is also a verb, so you can quilt a quilt. Patchwork lesson plans and Patchwork Teacher Resources. Find Patchwork Pupils use quilts to review geometric vocabulary. The Patchwork Path: A Quilt Map to Freedom vocabulary for reading. 1 the student determines the main idea or essential message, identifies the Find book the patchwork quilt lesson plans and teaching resources. Quickly find that inspire student learning. a quilt made by sewing patches of different materials together Start studying The Patchwork Quilt vocabulary. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Transcript of Vocabulary from The Patchwork Quilt. Tanya eagerly climbed the stairs all the way up to the attic of her house. Based on the book The Patchwork Quilt By Valerie Flournoy, this 11 page vocabulary work contains 10 different activities and a homework packet. Quiltmakers often used the pages from Sears catalogs as foundations for string patchwork. Secret tacking A quilting technique in which the needle and thread travel. Social Studies Literature Unit. The Patchwork Quilt and Something From Nothing Based on the book The Patchwork Quilt By Valerie Flournoy, this 11 page vocabulary work contains 10 different activities and a homework packet. Define patchwork: something composed patchwork quilt. Which pair shares a common word ancestor. This interdisciplinary lesson provides children the opportunity to explore patchwork quilts. Use context clues to determine the meaning of new vocabulary. I teach a Quilt thematic unit at the end of the year. You know that time of the year when you scramble to find activities to keep your students engaged when really. The Patchwork Quilt vocabulary. Vocabulary words for the story The Patchwork Quilt by Valerie Flournoy.