Free highrange IQ test @ iqhaven. The timelimit is 30 minutes and has started, So be quick to finish the test. Tests Accepted for Admission to the accepted for admission to the Mega Society are: Langdon Adult Intelligence Test, IQ 175 (before 1994) The Mega. Hoeflin (born February 23, Hoeflin's Mega Test was an untimed and unsupervised IQ test consisting of 48 questions, half verbal and half mathematical. My deviation IQ has been calculated around 190. A raw score of 1 on the Mega Test puts you at an IQ of 100 as someone who also scores well on IQ test. HighIQ Societies; High IQ Societies on the Web. For more information about the Mega Society, please write or email the Administrator. Uncommonly Difficult IQ Tests designed by Ronald K. Hoeflin The Mega Test, The Titan Test, and others. How can the answer be improved. Apr 28, 2005Answers to the Titan Test (a phoney IQ test) What do you estimate your IQ to be? Other than the Mega Test score, what evidence can you proffer in support of this. The Nomega Test 30 minutes timelimt, Test with instant result. It is recommended that you are used to IQ testing before you try this test. Hoeflin to facilitate psychometric research, the Mega Society is a high IQ society open to people who have scored at the oneinamillion level on a test of general intelligence claimed to be able to discriminate at that level. The Mega Test is an untimed, unsupervised, takehome IQ power test. As Chris Langan, the Chairman of the Mega Foundation, puts it, testtakers. IAmA member of the Mega Society, My deviation IQ has been calculated around 190. Her adult deviation IQ score on the Mega Test was 186. Its the most accurate online IQ test for the highrange, or should be, because it was in some magazine in the 80's and got 5000 or so submissions, unlike oth MegaTest We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. These 24 spatial and numerical problems were created by Ronald K. , and are taken from the Brainbreaker, the other half of the famous Mega Test. These IQ tests were created by Ronald K. , philosopher and creator of the famous Mega, Titan, Ultra, and Power IQ tests, and founder of several high IQ. Ever wonder how to boost intelligence, improve your brain or how to increase your IQ score? Mega Genius can help you improve your IQ level and increase brain power. The Ultra Test is an untimed, unsupervised intelligence test for gifted adults that is intended as an admissions test for various highIQ Mega Test was published. A list of high IQ societies and how to qualify for groups like MENSA, The Giga Society, The Pars Society, The Mega Foundation and Mysterium. A score of 47 on the Mega Test is equated with a deviation IQ of 190 (standard deviation of 16), corresponding to an expected frequency of occurrence of 1 in 110, 000, 000.